Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Flashback 2014: The earliest VHUS (Edited for your protection)


Long time no see!   Hope you are doing well and are fully stocked up on hand sanitizer and toilet paper.

Does Summer's Eve make a hand sanitizer?   Asking for a friend.

I doubt we'll see too much of COVID-19 here in my secluded corner of the Ozarks, but that hasn't stopped the panicked masses from clearing store shelves of everything from hand sanitizer, bleach, germ-wipes, Vitamin C and bottled water.  And booze.

There's much talk of "self-quarantine" - especially the over-60 crowd.

Fuck that!   Uncle has cheesesteak sandwiches to eat, waitresses to harass and lap-dancers to put through dental hygiene school.   (Somehow, the idea of wearing a surgical mask when I pay good money to have Josie or Gemini sit on my face makes poor fiscal sense.)

OTOH: Yesterday was a very good day to SQ: I just got in new albums from Axe, Angel, Bad Dreams, Mangala Vallis and Claudio Simonetti's Goblin, and they made the day just fly by.     Almost makes me wish I had a podcast of some sort to share them with you...

To those of you turning up your collective noses at the idea of a new Angel album - get over yourselves.   It's no "Helluva Band", but I didn't mind it! 

At long last, the final additions to the  VHUS MIXCLOUD MEMORIAL PAGE !  (for now)


Very Edited Uncle Show v.4 (Mar 5, 2014)

  • A letter from a lady trucker  - not your typical woman-driver!
  • Another letter from a poor bastard who confiscated his spouse's iPhone.
  • A quick tribute to prog rock's Pavarotti (R.I.P.).
  • The Devil's debut as host of Track 13.
  • Fact or fiction: The Very Heavy Aunt? 

Very Edited Uncle Show v.5 (Mar 19, 2014)

  • A demented listener thinks Uncle should sing more.
  • Podcast Rule #3: Death and playlists.
  • Letter: What the fuck do I have against Ozzy?   (nothing, really)
  • Web Dating for Grannies Pt.1: How NOT to take a profile pic!!
  • Other people's OKCupid failures.
Yeah... yeah... yeah... I'm still getting around to rotating episodes in/out of the  VHUS Dropbox Archive.  Note: these downloadable volumes are presented @ 192k bitrate.   Which is why there are fewer of then now than before.

(I still check the InBox now and then)

Thanks for listening!
Uncle D.L.

The Very Heavy Uncle Show
2014 - 2017

